About accounts
What is an account?
Account will be created when you got a free ID which is necessary for using services on this site.
You can get a free ID easily by entering your mail address and password.
ID Registration
You can get your ID from registration page.
Please register by entering your mail address and password in the entering field and clicking the REGISTER button.
A certification e-mail will be sent to the mail you entered after you clicked the REGISTER button. Please complete the registration by accessing the URL in the e-mail.
*Please confirm whether you entered the mail address wrongly or the bulk mail settings if the certification e-mail was not sent to you, and resend the certification e-mail from the resending page.
Log in with the ID
You can access MyPage from the Log in page after creating an ID.
*You can reset your password if you forgot your password.
Change of registration information.
You can change your registration information from registration page.
The registration information will be updated whether you changed on UKFC ONLINE SHOP or [Alexandros]CREW if you are using the common ID with this site.
*There are some items of registration information that you cannot change afterwards.